Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hangry? Cause Darling, Skipped Meals are a Nightmare Dressed Like a Day Dream.

Most everyone knows that feeling of regret when skipping a meal... either it be the embarrassing stomach growl (mine always occur during tests!!!), the day dreams and fantasies of food, or the constant mental and emotional battle to keep your Hulk alter ego within your sweet human outer shell < #hulksmash #hangry >. Whatever the personal experience may be, skipping a meal turns out to be a nightmare! 

Many of you may ask, "Why does it matter if I skip meals? Less food equals less calories, which means losing weight! Right?" But on the contrary, food is the fuel that the body craves! The body depends on these crucial nutrients and calories to properly function. So let's dive in and see what really happens when you decide to forgo an entire meal:

*Blood Sugar Levels Drop*

Sugar (or glucose) is the fuel that your body runs on. Food is broken down into sugar, so it may be utilized for energy expenditure. If this sugar or fuel is not circulating in the right amounts, the whole body system is affected. The fuel of food allows for us to take on daily activities and meet the demands of external and internal stresses. The dramatic drop in blood sugar may leave you feeling sluggish, tired, and overall unwell.  

T-Swift skipped breakfast 
(Figure 1)

*Brain Drain*

The optimal brain functions occur when food is present to fuel the intellectual and emotional operations. When a steady supply of nutrients is scarce the brain becomes foggy, and your blood may boil with unexplained mood swings (figure 1). Food allows the brain to put its thinking cap to work and break the zombie brain drain effect.

*Lowered Metabolism* 
Skipping meals are considered a type of "yo-yo" dieting or unpredictable food schedule that leaves your body questioning its next meal. To conserve any precious calories the body lowers its metabolism as a way to ration out any scarce fuel sources. This survival technique keeps the body functioning, but consequences surface when muscle tissue is broken down for an alternative fuel source. A low metabolism or fuel conservation is seen in inactive, hibernating mammals (Bears, Bats, Rats, Oh My!). Unless you are Yogi bear ready to settle down for a long winters nap, a lowered metabolism is not beneficial for an active human. 


Keeping in mind that food is fuel, skipping meals may make a person ravenous.When food is obtained after a long fasting period, overeating or poor food decisions are made. These poor nutritional decisions may cause unwanted weight gain or that uncomfortable stuffed feeling.

As you can see, skipping meals is not a healthy option to maintain daily activities or even lose weight! To help prevent prolonged fasting I listed some tips below. Try and take the time to properly fuel your body!

Tips On Adding Fuel to Your Tank!

  1. Try to pack a lunch the night before work or school.
    • Limit your morning rush and those lunch-less days.
  2. Plan your meals
    • Brainstorm meal ideas and get creative!
  3. EAT breakfast!
    • Many nutritionists agree that breakfast improves the quality of the diet, prevents the need for sugar fixes, and enhances performance!
  4. Snacks and Smart Eating
    • Bring healthy snacks to eat between meals. Constantly fuel the body with healthy options (Fruits, Veggies, Whole Grains, Lean Meats). 

For My Calorie Counter Fanatics:

Use these simple links to discover a Rough estimate of calories your body needs to stay properly fueled. Keep in mind that a calorie is the energy source your body craves!

Step 1: Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) or in other words the amount of calories your body needs at rest. Click on the hyperlink and fill in the blanks.

Step 2: Take your BMR number and factor in your daily activity level to determine your total daily energy expenditure or calories needed to exercise. Use the hyperlink below to plug in your numbers.

I hope this blog provided ample information and gave you insight on the issues about skipping meals. Feel free to leave a comment below if any questions arise!